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The Official Website dedicated to the movie "Montana Winter"

Welcome to the Official Site of Montana This site is dedicated to winter fun in Montana. It all began long ago in 1991 when David Bond and Robbe Lindsay met in Radio/Television class at the University of Montana in the late 80's. After graduation they worked at several media outlets, broadcast news stations, and advertising agencies to learn the industry and local markets before deciding to start their own business. In May of 1991, David and Robbe decided to create Polar Bear Productions, Inc., a Film, Video, and Photography Production Company. After setting up our studio in the Montain Mall of Whitefish, Montana, the first thing we did was go skiing with our cameras of course. On that day it began. Any chance we had, we would head out up into the mountains around the Big Sky state of Montana and film. Ten years later we decided to dig through a decade of footage and make the epic movie called Montana Winter... Deep in the Heart of The Rockies comes a Story Etched in Snow. A Treasure State Adventure.

Posted on October 11, 2001 by Polar Bear Productions, Inc.  |  see viewer comments

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